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Construction Managers

We identify gaps between project  scope and H&S File.

Closing out gaps on Health and Safety File requirements for Legacy Projects


We have the capability to work retroactively across projects to identify gaps between project scope and H&S file status with the recognised body, such as National Records Group - NRG. We have engaged with Network Rail to review legacy/historical projects and engage with the records holder to verify if the Health and Safety File have been closed out. Where there are gaps between "completed" projects and H&S File status, at DSE we have devised a number of scenarios that have pre set issues listed. In each scenario there are set deliverables to achieve and targeted timescales to complete by. 


We are able to work with clients to identify the scope of deliverables for the construction provider to close out and get projects accepted at the H&S File stage.


Eastern Region, Sussex & Kent 


We have engaged with the Eastern Region Project team, and the Kent and Sussex Routes Works Delivery team to develop and implement a close out process, including the “gap analysis” exercise carried out to the existing legacy projects which have failed to be closed appropriately on the National Records Group database, although in most cases the project works have been completed on site and the assets are in operation. This includes identifying and agreeing with Network Rail team the total number of legacy projects required to be assessed, based on the records provided by the teams, as well as any additional records obtained by DSE, i.e. record trackers from NRG databases and commercial registers. This phase is the verification stage to identify the project scope.


DSE working directly with the Project teams and the Heads of Assets for the regions along with the supply partners, review and validate any available assurance documentation for the projects to plan how these could be progressed. Each project will be reviewed on detail and risk assessed to determine which scenario these fell under; each scenario with set deliverables that determine the steps to follow. From Scenario 1 projects with not H&S file required, to Scenario 5, projects that require H&S file returns, with no assurance documentation available. In any case, DSE along with documentation provided by the delivery partners will prepare and submit the H&S file to NRG, providing the relevant AMP certificates, AMP015, AMP016, AMP017 & AMP018 required for HoA acceptance.





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44 Southampton Buildings
United Kingdom



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